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Tema: EPI-No

  1. #1
    Ifigenija avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Jun 2004

    Početno EPI-No

    Radi se o aparatiću za vježbanje mišića zdjeličnog dna kako međica tijekom poroda ne bi popucala.

    Našla sam abstrakt istraživanja o toj temi:
    Original Article
    First Australian trial of the birth-training device Epi-No: A highly significantly increased chance of an intact perineum
    Gabor T. KOVACS1, Penny HEATH1 and Campbell HEATHER2


    Background: A German report suggested significantly better outcomes in terms of perineal care, second stage length and neonatal outcome for users of Epi-No.

    Objective: To carry out a pilot study of the first use of the Epi-No birth training device in Australia for women having their first baby.

    Study population and methods: Forty-eight primigravidae having their confinement at Birralee Birthing Unit who used the device compared to all other primigravida who delivered during the same period.

    Results: The study shows a highly significantly improved outcome for the perineum when users are compared to primigravid non-user controls. We could not demonstrate decreased instrumental delivery rates nor a better outcome in term of Apgar scores.

    Discussion: The Epi-No device should be offered as an option to all primigravidae to use during the late third trimester.
    Ne znam, naravno, koliko je nepristrano to istraživanje - ali zvuči intrigantno.

    Zanima me jel ima koja curka koja je to probala i jel postoji neka ajmo reć povoljnija varijanta istoga (ova stvarca košta nešto više od 900 kn).

    Puno hvala!

  2. #2
    anchie76 avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003


    Svako malo jedna trudnica otvori topic za Epi-no, i trazi misljenje o njemu 8) No nazalost, do sada na forumu nije bio itko da je to koristio....

    Drzim fige da se tebi netko sad javi

  3. #3
    Ifigenija avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Jun 2004


    Pa skupa je to stvarca za kupit bez preporuke

  4. #4

    Datum pristupanja
    Oct 2004


    We could not demonstrate decreased instrumental delivery rates nor a better outcome in term of Apgar scores.
    Ifigenija, mene brine ova recenica :/

  5. #5
    Ifigenija avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Jun 2004


    Citiraj Lidija88 prvotno napisa
    We could not demonstrate decreased instrumental delivery rates nor a better outcome in term of Apgar scores.
    Ifigenija, mene brine ova recenica :/
    Ja sam to shvatila da epi-no ima velik utjecaj na netaknutu međicu, ali ne može pomoći da se svi porodi završe bez vakuuma ili forcepsa niti mogu utjecati na opće stanje djeteta. Ja to shvaćam kao da je puno različitih faktora koji dovedu do uporabe instrumenata ili lošeg apgara...

    Ali ako mi epi-no pomogne da naučim opustiti međicu i naučim što i kako kad bebina glava počne izlaziti - meni dosta.
    Samo me zanima da li to stvarno jest tako :?

  6. #6

    Datum pristupanja
    Oct 2004


    Epiziotomija se radi prevashodno da bi se sprecile porodjajne povrede ploda (mozdana krvarenja na prvom mestu), pa tek onda da bi se sprecile ''povrede'' kod majke, najcesce razilazenje misica karlicnog dna i ostale povrede mekih tkiva (bolje da malo ''secnu'' nego da zena popuca uzduz i popreko sto je znatno teze za usivanje :/ )
    O toj spravi nazalost ne znam nista... :/ Mislim da je sustina zastite medjice da porodilja prati uputstva lekara i babice (to nikako nije lako) i da se napinje samo kad ima napone, za to je potrebno smirenje i koncentracija, a sve zene koje su se poradjale znaju koliko je to tesko ostvariti...

  7. #7
    VedranaV avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003


    Ifi, pogledaj na http://www.roda.hr/tekstovi.php?Teks...2ID=&Show=1168 pa možeš nazvati i saznati koja je cijena kod nas.

    Što se tiče razloga zbog kojih se radi epiziotomija, u zdravoj i donešenoj trudnoći, u google se može ukucati evidence-based medicine i episiotomy. Konkretno, Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija o tome kaže sljedeće:

    Perineal tears occur frequently, especially in primiparous women. First-degree tears sometimes do not even need to be sutured, second-degree tears usually can be sutured easily under local analgesia, and as a rule heal without complications. Third-degree tears can have more serious consequences and should, where at all possible, be sutured by an obstetrician in a well-equipped hospital, in order to prevent faecal incontinence and/or faecal fistulas.

    Episiotomies are often made, but the incidence is diverse. In the USA they are carried out on between 50 and 90% of women giving birth to their first child, thus making the episiotomy the most commonly performed surgical procedure in that country (Thacker and Banta 1983, Cunningham et al 1989, Woolley 1995). In many centres "blanket" policies, such as a requirement for all primiparous women to have an episiotomy, are in place. In the Netherlands midwives attain an overall frequency of 24.5% episiotomies, 23.3% of which are mediolateral and 1.2% midline episiotomies (Pel and Heres 1995). Midline episiotomies are more easily sutured and have the advantage of leaving less scar-tissue, whilst mediolateral episiotomies more effectively avoid the anal sphincter and the rectum. Good reasons for performing an episiotomy during a thusfar normal delivery can be: signs of fetal distress; insufficient progress of delivery; threatened third-degree tear (including third-degree tear in a previous delivery).

    All three indications are valid, although the prediction of a third-degree tear is very difficult. The incidence of third-degree tears is about 0.4%, and the diagnosis "threatened third-degree tear" should therefore only be made occasionally, otherwise the diagnosis is meaningless.

    In the literature several reasons, besides the above-mentioned, are given for a liberal use of episiotomy. These include the arguments that it substitutes a straight, neat surgical incision for a ragged laceration, it is easier to repair and heals better than a tear (Cunningham et al 1989); that liberal use of episiotomy prevents serious perineal trauma; that episiotomies prevent trauma to the fetal head; and that episiotomies prevent trauma to the muscles of the pelvic floor, and thus prevent urinary stress incontinence.

    The evidence to support these postulated benefits of a liberal use of episiotomy has been investigated in several randomized trials (Sleep et al 1984, 1987, Harrison et al 1984, House et al 1986, Argentine episiotomy trial 1993). The data from these trials do not give evidence to support this policy. Liberal use of episiotomy is associated with higher rates of perineal trauma, and lower rates of women with an intact perineum. The groups of women with liberal and restricted use of episiotomy experienced a comparable amount of perineal pain assessed at 10 days and 3 months post partum. There is no evidence of a protective effect of episiotomy on the fetal condition. In a follow-up study up to three years postpartum no influence of a liberal use of episiotomies on urinary incontinence was found. In an observational study of 56.471 deliveries attended by midwives the incidence of third-degree tears was 0.4% if no episiotomy was made, and the same with a mediolateral episiotomy; the incidence with a midline episiotomy was 1.2% (Pel and Heres 1995).
    I FIGO (Međunarodna federacija ginekologa i obstetričara) se referencira na dokumente Svjetske zdravstvene (), npr. na http://whqlibdoc.who.int/hq/2000/WHO_RHR_00.7.pdf

    Episiotomy is no longer recommended as a routine procedure.
    There is no evidence that routine episiotomy decreases perineal
    damage, future vaginal prolapse or urinary incontinence. In fact, routine
    episiotomy is associated with an increase of third and fourth degree
    tears and subsequent anal sphincter muscle dysfunction.

    Episiotomy (page P-71) should be considered only in the case of:
    • complicated vaginal delivery (breech, shoulder dystocia,
    forceps, vacuum);
    • s carring from female genital mutilation or poorly healed third
    or fourth degree tears;
    • fetal distress.

  8. #8

    Datum pristupanja
    Jul 2004
    NL - UK - NL


    We could not demonstrate decreased instrumental delivery rates nor a better outcome in term of Apgar scores.
    Pitanje je sta se podrazumjeva pod instrumental delivery, po meni tu spada i Epi, :/ , sto onda znaci da nema nikakve razlike koristio taj aparatic ili ne.

    Nisam uspjela naci cijeli article (samo abstract) da to provjerim

  9. #9
    VedranaV avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003


    Pod instrumental delivery se misli na vakuum ili forceps, ne na epiziotomiju 8) .

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