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Tema: Autosjedalica

  1. #1
    sasana avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Jan 2004

    Početno Autosjedalica

    Zanima me koje autosjedalice vi imate i kako ste s njima zadovoljni. Mi polako prerastamo onu za najmanje bebace,a buduci da Luna vec sjedi posizi kada mora biti makar i u polulezecem polozaju pa trebamo uskoro kupiti onu za bebace od 9kg. Malo sam gledala onu tabelu s rezultatima testiranja od prosle godine, pa su mi se nekako iskristalizirale njih nekoliko; Maxi Cosi Priori XP, Maxi Cosi Priori SPS, Roemer Duo Plus Isofix, Roemer Lord Plus. Ono sto se meni svidja iako nema bas tako dobre ocjene je Bebe Comfort Iseos Safe Side zato sto se moze sa kotacicem suziti i prosiriti- znaci nekako se beba moze uglaviti sto mi se cini sigurnije nego da plese u toj velikoj stolici (bez obzira na pojaseve).

    Molim Vasa iskustva, i ako moze od instruktorice savjet (nas auto je Skoda Fabia- pa da li i to ima nekakve veze- koja se lakse postavlja i sli?)

  2. #2
    anchie76 avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003


    Znam da je odluka teska.. i mi smo muku mucili mjesecima... kak znati dok ne probas :/ A kad kupis i nesto ne pase - kasno je... No mislim ako vam auto ima isofix, da je to trenutno najbolja moguca sjedalica na trzistu, a ako nema... e onda morate sami procijeniti.... No da bih ti olaksala odluku, nama su uvelike pomogli ovi eurotestovi autosjedalica - mi smo kupili Romer King, i prezadovoljni smo s njom... Jedno vrijeme smo razmisljali o Iseos Bebe confort, no kad smo vidjeli ove testove - odustali smo (jedna od stvari - dijete ne vidi sastrane jer je sjedalica preduboka - pa tko ce ga zadrzati u njoj ako samo moze gledati u sjedalo ispred sebe ?! :/ ) Evo ti rezultati testova za te autosjedalice o kojima razmisljas...

    Eurotest 2004

    King TS


    Description: ECE-group: I

    • For children from one year up to approximately 4 years or 9 to 18 kg
      Seat shell with harness and buckle. Installation: Forward facing with 3- point car seat belt.
      Sitting and reclining positions.

    Result: Seat mountings with an additional car seat belt adjuster is advantageous for the safety factor.
    The foldable seat shell makes installation in two-door and three-door vehicles easy.


    Low loads in side crash.
    Good belt routing and easy size
    adjustment on the child. The
    child restraint is stable in the
    vehicle. Head support excellent.

    Average loads in a front crash.

    Ease of use:

    Little danger of installing
    wrongly. Buckling up very easy.
    Installation easy.
    Heavy seat.

    Heavy seat.


    Very good leg support.
    Excellent padding. Child has an
    excellent view out of the

    Characteristics of use

    Seat cover is machine
    washable. Excellent finish

    EuroTest 2003

    RÖMER: Duo plus

    Rating: Good

    Type: Child seat with 5-point harness and one-pull harness adjuster
    ECE class: I
    Age category: 1 to around 4 years
    Weight category: 9 to 18kg

    Installation: In the Isofix system, in approved vehicles
    With 3-point vehicle seat belt, forward facing

    Strengths and weaknesses:

    The seat can be firmly connected to the vehicle, and is stable on the vehicle seat
    Good head support
    Belt routing is good, adjustment is very easy and possible without have to undo the belts
    Low load in side impact
    When fitted with the vehicle seat belts, higher load in the frontal impact

    Misuse is hardly possible
    Seat is easy to fit
    Restraining the child is very easy
    Manufacturer's instructions are very easy to understand, warning notices provided

    Very good leg contact
    Padding is very good
    No exposed sections
    Good view outside
    Practical features:
    Well made
    Seat cover can only be hand washed

    - Currently the best seat in this weight category
    - This heavy and expensive seat was given the best rating when used as an Isofix seat. Fitted using the 3-point vehicle seat belt, the results were satisfactory.

    BÉBÉ CONFORT: Iseos Safe Side

    Rating: Satisfactory

    Type: Child seat with 5-point harness and one-pull harness adjuster
    ECE class: 0+/ I
    Age category: From birth up to 4 years
    Weight category: Up to 18kg

    Installation: With 3-point vehicle seat belt
    For children up to 13kg, rearward facing
    For children between 9kg and 18kg, forward facing
    Never use on passenger seat with front airbag!

    Strengths and weaknesses:

    Good head support
    The seat cannot be firmly connected to the vehicle, is not stable on the vehicle seat
    Belt routing and/or adjustment could be better
    Higher load in frontal impact

    Restraining the child is easy
    Misuse is easily possible
    Seat is difficult to fit

    Good leg contact
    Padding is very good
    No exposed sections
    The view outside is blocked

    Practical features:
    Seat cover can only be hand washed
    Minor flaws

    - Although the idea of covering several weight categories with one seat is good, the implementation
    is a compromise with restrictions in all classes.
    - In contrast to an infant carrier, this seat cannot be taken out of the vehicle and used elsewhere.
    - As an infant carrier, the values were better in the front impact, but poorer in the side impact

    MAXI COSI: Priori SPS

    Rating: Satisfactory

    Type: Child seat with 5-point harness and one-pull harness adjuster
    ECE class: I
    Age category: 1 to around 4 years
    Weight category: 9 to 18kg
    Installation: With the vehicle's 3-point seat belt or lap belt

    Strengths and weaknesses:


    The seat can be firmly connected to the vehicle, and is stable on the vehicle seat
    Good head support
    Belt routing acceptable, belt adjustment is easy
    Low load in side impact
    Higher load in frontal impact


    Misuse is hardly possible
    Seat is easy to fit
    Restraining the child is easy
    Manufacturer's instructions are very easy to understand, warning notices provided

    Good leg contact
    Padding is good
    Hardly any exposed sections
    Good view outside

    Practical features:
    Well made
    Seat cover can only be hand washed

    MAXI COSI: Priori XP

    Rating: Satisfactory

    Type: Child seat with 5-point harness and one-pull harness adjuster
    ECE class: I
    Age category: 1 to around 4 years
    Weight category: 9 to 18kg
    Installation: Forward facing with 3-point vehicle seat belt

    Strengths and weaknesses:

    The seat can be firmly connected to the vehicle, and is stable on the vehicle seat
    Good head support
    Belt routing acceptable, belt adjustment is very easy
    Low load in side impact
    Higher load in frontal impact

    Misuse is hardly possible
    Seat is easy to fit
    Restraining the child is easy
    Manufacturer's instructions are very easy to understand, warning notices provided

    Good leg contact
    Padding is good
    Hardly any exposed sections
    Good view outside
    Practical features:
    Well made
    Seat cover can only be hand washed

    - Additional tension device for the vehicle seat belt

    RÖMER: Lord plus

    Rating: Satisfactory

    Type: Child seat with 5-point harness and one-pull harness adjuster
    ECE class: I
    Age category: 1 to around 4 years
    Weight category: 9 to 18kg
    Installation: Forward facing with 3-point vehicle seat belt

    Strengths and weaknesses:

    The seat can be firmly connected to the vehicle, and is stable on the vehicle seat
    Good head support
    Belt routing is acceptable, adjustment is very easy and possible without have to undo the belts
    Low load in side impact
    Higher load in frontal impact

    Misuse unlikely
    Seat is easy to fit
    Restraining the child is very easy
    Manufacturer's instructions are very easy to understand, warning notices provided

    Very good leg contact
    Padding is very good
    No exposed sections
    Good view outside

    Practical features:
    Well made
    Seat cover can only be hand washed

  3. #3
    anchie76 avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003

    Početno Re: Autosjedalica

    Mozda sam trebala detaljnije procitati tvoju poruku, pa bih vidjela da si vec pogledala rezultate testova od prosle godine No mozda nekom drugom pomogne...

    Citiraj sasana prvotno napisa
    Zanima me koje autosjedalice vi imate i kako ste s njima zadovoljni. Mi polako prerastamo onu za najmanje bebace,a buduci da Luna vec sjedi posizi kada mora biti makar i u polulezecem polozaju pa trebamo uskoro kupiti onu za bebace od 9kg.
    Zasto mislis da mala vec prerasta ovu malu sjedalicu? Do koliko kg vam je ta mala sjedalica?

    Tek sam sada na drugom topicu procitala da vasa mala ima tek 7 mj... Mislim da je apsolutno prerano da se vozi u sjedalici okrenuta naprijed... Obicno vani kazu da za tu vecu sjedalicu djete treba biti 9 kg i 12 mj starosti... to kod nas nitko ne govori... djetetu jednostavno jos vrat nije dovoljno jak..

    No javit ce ti se Ancica, ima jos par nacina za provjeriti da li je dijete spremno za tu vecu sjedalicu, no mislim da je 7 mj zaista prerano...

    Zasto mislis da je prerasta?

  4. #4
    Ancica avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003

    Početno Re: Autosjedalica

    Citiraj anchie76 prvotno napisa
    Zasto mislis da je prerasta?
    Potpisujem :D

  5. #5
    litala avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003


    mi imamo onu sjedalicu za bebe do 13kg i isto do 12mj iz graco voyager travel sistem i oba djeteta su je prerasla negdje oko sestog mjeseca zivota.

    ne sjecam se koliko su tocno bili teski tada (al su rodjeni dovoljno veliki - ida 4030 i noa 4670) ali ih se vise nije moglo zakopcat jer su bili predugacki i pojasevi su im bili prekratki. nije bilo nikakve sanse ni da docekaju 13kg ni 12mj... ja bih rekla da su to krajnje granice za koristenje sjedalice, ne rok do kojeg je ta sjedalica jedini izbor.

    mi smo idi prije pet godina kupili brevi stolicu (ne sjecam se koji model) i evo siba petu godinu bez problema. ta isto moze od rodjenja, samo je onda do neke granice (zaboravila koje, pise u uputstvu i na straznjoj strani sjedala) treba montirati da gleda unatrag.

  6. #6
    sasana avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Jan 2004


    Ma ne mislim da je vec prerasla nego imam svekra koji je jako nervozan i kada on nesto odluci kupiti to mora biti ODMAH. Ja sam mu pokusala objasniti da je za sada ova autosjedalica jos dobra Luni, ali on hoce (citaj MORA) odmah kupiti i vecu.Pa necu da mi kupi neku zmrljmrlj. Onda ako vec kupuje neka kupi onu koja meni odgovara tj. koja je najbolja i najsigurnija za moju bebu.

  7. #7
    Ancica avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003


    sasana, reci mu da se ne zuri jer mu je bolje kupit sto kasnije, odnosno tek kad vam zatreba jer se i sigurnosni standardi mijenjaju (na bolje) pa ti je bolje kupiti noviji model nego stariji. Me kuzis? Zato se nema potrebe zuriti. Odlicno je da ste poceli razmisljati o prelasku u smislu informiranja al si onda uzmite to vrijeme da dobro sve proucite, da idete od ducana do ducana i probavate razne modele u vasem autu i vidite koji najbolje pase (trazite ove u ducanu da vam daju da isprobate).

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