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Tema: Kakanje

  1. #1

    Početno Kakanje

    Danielu je 4 godine. Sve je uglavnom normalno kao i kod druge djece osim kakanje koji je mislim nekakve psiholoske naravi.
    Na nonu nikada nije htio kakati a sada misli da to moze izbjegavati pa se sakriva i "stiska" odnosno zadrzava i odgadja koliko god je moguce. Nece na WC ni za zivu glavu, samo onda kada vise nema snage i kada je vise nemoguce odgadjati, dakle kada nema drugog izlaza.
    Naravno za to vrijeme je jako nervozan, grub i slicno, a cim se pokaki sretan, ponosan i hvali se.
    Cesto puta kada ga vidimo da se skriva po stanu zaustavljajuci kakanje prisilimo ga da ide na WC, no onda on tamo sjedi i sjedi a nista ne uradi ili izbaci nekakav komadic koji je vec napola ili cijeli bio vani.
    Izmedju dva kakanja prodje i po par dana.
    Trebali bismo ga od slijedeceg mjeseca slati u vrtic ali se bojimo.
    Zahvaljujemo na svakom komentaru, iskustvu i savjetu.

  2. #2

    Datum pristupanja
    Aug 2006


    I naš malac je imao psiho-problem kod kakanja, ali smo mi kao i kod svih drugih situacija jednostavno što manje pažnje skretati na to, jer kad pitaš, forsiraš, ponekad poludiš...još je gore, jer se u maloj glavici svašta izmješa.
    Što više vlaknaste hrane, kruške su super za poticanje stolice i ne puno forsirati i tražit će sam na wc.
    Nabavili smo onu malu dasku koja dođe na wc školjku, a ima malog čupavog lavića nakeljenog gore, pa sad on i lavić zajedno kakaju. 8)
    A jel igra situacija da mu stavite pelenu ako baš ne kaka dva,tri dana, jer bolje i to nego da se sve stvrdne pa je onda i bolno.
    Javite kak napredujete.

  3. #3

    Datum pristupanja
    Apr 2005


    Dobri papa, imaš tu:

    Kruške, šljive, jogurt ... stolica mora biti mekana i obilna.

  4. #4
    aqua avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Jun 2005


    Napraviš friški sok od krušaka. Dvije čaše mu date. U roku dva sata gotovo proljev. Neće moć dugo zadržavat. A vi ga pustite neka sam sve riješi. Ako se zna skinut i sjest na wc (a mogao bi znat), to mi se čini kao dobar način da mu pokažete kako brigu za eliminaciju stavljate u njegove ruke. Pritom pokušajte stajati sa strane, to je njegova stvar. Vama će bit lako jer ćete znat da će se MORAT pokakat (jer je premekano), a njemu terapeutski.

    Eto, to meni pada na pamet.

  5. #5

    Datum pristupanja
    Feb 2005


    I mi smo imali gotovo isti problem, naravno svjesno zadržavanje stolice jednom gotovo 8 dana :/ .

    Kod nas se radilo o početnoj boli koju je izbjegavao, i kada bi imao nagon, nije htio kakiti. Ja sam jednostavno morala taj put dati glicerinski čepić jer je već stvarno otišlo predaleko. Pokušala am regulirati i hranom, ali tada nije pomagalo. Nakon toga, nešto slično se nije više ponovilo. Podsječali smo ga na potrebu svakodnevnog kakanja, razgovarali o tome da tada ne boli, davali hranu koja potiče probavu...i da kucnem o drvo (kuc, kuc) sada nemamo problema.

  6. #6
    Mejra's mommy avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Feb 2005


    Mejra je prije drugog rodjendana odbila pelenu. Bez nezgoda...i dalje je trazila pelenu za kakanje...dali smo joj...sa 30 mj je odbila nocnu...bez ijedne nezgode...i dalje je trazila pelenu za kakanje i opet smo ju pustili.

    Citam joj slikovnice, pricamo, molim ju, a neki dan mi je puko film. (nasuprot peleni i dalje vecinom zadrzava stolicu). Rekla sam joj nema vise pelena...izdrzala je dva dana (ili je sam izdrzala dva dana). Treci sam proplakala i dala joj pelenu. Pokakala se u roku od 10!!! sekundi u pelenu, skroz vodenasta stolica. Kako je to uspjela zadrzati sam Bog zna.

    Ona jednostavno kaze NECU TUTU, HOCU PELENU... :/ Ali kuzim tek joj je tri godine. :/

  7. #7
    carpe diem


    Citiraj TinnaZ prvotno napisa
    Dobri papa, imaš tu:

    Kruške, šljive, jogurt ... stolica mora biti mekana i obilna.
    Bok TinnaZ!

    imam isti problem kao Dobri papa i nisam pametna šta raditi. kupili smo u ljekarni hrpu toga, pa bumo vidli! valjda nešto i pomogne. htjela sam se dodatno educirati i na ovom linku koji ste ponudili, međutim bezuspješno! Ne otvara se!!! možete li ga poslati ponovno ili uputiti na neki drugi izvor.

    unaprijed zahvaljujem.

  8. #8

    Datum pristupanja
    Apr 2005


    Carpe diem, ni meni se ne otvara, ili sam krivo stavila link ili što.
    Odi dolje pri dnu gdje piše Dobne skupine 3-6, klikni na to, i onda u gornjem lijevom kutu imaš moderatorica Egemama.
    Klikneš na Egemama, i pošalješ joj pm sa molbom za pomoć

  9. #9
    egemama avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003


    Tinna, ajde molim te provjeri taj link jer ovaj koji si stavila nije dobar.

  10. #10

    Datum pristupanja
    Apr 2005


    ne sjećam se koji je to bio link, bilo je davno ...

  11. #11

    Datum pristupanja
    Jul 2006


    moj Duje imao je sličnih problema. kad je imao oko 3,5 - 4 god
    nije bilo šanse da ga nagovorimo da se pokaki.
    to natezanje oko stolice znalo bi trajat oko 5 dana.
    kasnije bi bolilo, tako da nam je kakanje (ujedno i oslobađanje od pelene) bilo jedno jako negativno iskustvo...
    na kraju sve se svelo na jedno kupanje i kakanje u kadu sa suzama u očima.
    nekoliko puta u kadu i to je bilo to!
    nadam se da će ta faza brzo proći

  12. #12

    Datum pristupanja
    Dec 2006


    Mi imali iste probleme tog oblika i opstipaciju od dvije godine( opst. traje već 2god). Sad je na Portalaku al to treba prepisati pedijatar, inače se daje za malu djecu i bebe sirup na prirodnoj bazi od šljive i smokve (67.53kn) ima ga u boljim apotekama. Prije toga pokušaj što sigurno djeluje, a to je kompot( suhe šljive i smokve se kuhaju da budu mekane i to dijete pojede i pije taj sok) sigurno djeluje. Onda treba mijenjat prehranu puno voća, povrća ( zelje, kelj...) puno tekućine, ne mlijeko,slatkiši...
    Za čepiče sam čula da su jako bolni.
    Ne treba djecu tjerat da idu na wc samo im daj taj kompot pa će sami ić, ako on odugovlači s odlaskom crijeva se mogu ulijenit i to može biti jako opasno to se je dogodilo kod moje klinke).

  13. #13

    Datum pristupanja
    Apr 2005


    ne Čekolino, ne hrenovke, ne paštete i sl.

  14. #14

    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003


    zatvori i super tvrda stolica su vam znak da klinci kao prvo krivo jedu, nedovoljno vlaknatih tvari

    trebate paziti da djeca piju dovoljno vode, znaci ne soka, ne zaspadjenog caja nego vode. secer pojacava izlucivanje tekucine pa je to jos moguci uzrok

    jabuke i banane zatvaraju, bijeli kruh, bijela zira, ne-integralna tjestenina nisu dobri za probavu

    portalak i slicno je samo pomagac da se uljene crijeva, morate jako pripaziti na prehrani

    otvaraju jos i narandze

  15. #15

    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003


    dr sears veli sljedece: http://www.askdrsears.com/html/8/t081100.asp


    How do I know if my child is constipated?
    Constipation refers to the compactness of the stools and the difficulty passing them, not the frequency of bowel movements. The consistency and number of stools varies according to age and from baby to baby. Newborns have several stools a day that are soft and the consistency of seedy mustard, especially if breastfed. Formula-fed infants usually have fewer, firmer and darker stools. Once solid food enters the diet, the stools become more formed and less frequent, and some babies may have a bowel movement without difficulty only once every three days, but daily is preferable.

    To tell if your baby is constipated, look for the following signs:

    * In a newborn, firm stools less than once a day with straining and difficulty passing them
    * Dry, hard stools and pain on passing them
    * Hard, pebble-like stools passed by a baby who strains during a bowel movement, drawing her legs up on her abdomen, grunting, and getting red-faced
    * Streaks of blood along the outside of the stool
    * Abdominal discomfort along with hard, infrequent stools

    What causes constipation?
    Normally, as digested food travels down the intestines, water and nutrients are absorbed, and the waste material becomes stools. For a soft stool to form, enough water must remain in the waste material, and the lower intestinal and rectal muscles must contract and relax to move the stool along and out. Malfunction of either of these mechanisms – too little water or poor muscle movement – can cause constipation. Being plugged up with a hard stool for three days can be very uncomfortable. In fact, we did not appreciate this until we strained along with one of our babies, who was constipated for the first two years of his life. As Martha would help him produce a bowel movement, she would proclaim, "I feel like a mid-wife."

    Constipation can become a self-perpetuating problem. Hard stools cause pain on passage; consequently, the child holds on. The longer the stool remains, the harder it becomes – which makes it even more painful to pass. And the longer the large stool stretches the intestines, the weaker their muscle tone becomes. To complicate matters, passage of a hard stool through a narrow rectum often tears the rectal wall (called a rectal fissure) , accounting for the streaks of blood. This painful tear prompts baby even more not to want to have a bowel movement.

    Consider these causes of constipation in your infant:

    * New foods or milks can set off constipation. Has your baby begun new foods, switched from breast milk to formula, or formula to cow's milk? If you suspect a food or milk change as the culprit, return to the looser-stool diet.

    * For bottlefed infants, consider experimenting with various formulas to find the one that is kindest to the stools. Also, give your formula-fed baby an extra bottle of water a day.

    Constipation in Children:

    * The cause could also be emotional. Is your toddler going through a negative phase or emotional upset that may cause reluctance to have a bowel movement? When a person is upset, his or her intestinal functions may be upset, showing either diarrhea or constipation.

    * Your child may not be drinking enough water and/or fluids. Consider giving your child 2 to 3 extra glasses of water or dilute juice (Ľ juice to ľ water) a day.

    * Not enough fiber (fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains) in your child's diet.

    Back to top
    How do I treat constipation?

    The following is Dr. Sears' ten-step plan for treating constipation:

    1. Drink to go. Not drinking enough fluids is also a subtle contributor to problems with constipation, especially in the very young and very old. The colon is your body's fluid regulator. If you're not drinking enough, your colon steals water from the waste material and gives it to the body, causing the stools to be water deprived or hard. People eating high-fiber diets actually increase their risk of constipation if they don't drink extra water along with fiber-rich foods, since fiber needs water to do its intestinal sweeping job. More fluids in your diet put more fluids in your bowels, lessening constipation.

    2. Add more fiber foods to child's diet. Fiber softens the stools by drawing water into them, making them bulkier and easier to pass. Fiber foods for older babies are bran cereals, graham crackers, whole-grain breads and crackers, and high-fiber vegetables such as peas, broccoli, and beans. (For a fiber-rich diet, see fiber foods.)

    3. Get moving. Exercise improves digestion and speeds the passage of food through the intestines. A moving body gets the bowels moving, too.

    4. Ease the passage of stools. Your infant may need a little outside help with a well-timed suppository. As they are going through a phase of learning how to have a bowel movement, many babies in their early months grunt and draw up their legs to push out a stool. But the straining baby may appreciate a little outside help with a well-timed, well-placed glycerin suppository. Available without prescription at your pharmacy, these look like tiny rocket ships. If your baby is straining, insert one as far into the rectum as you can and hold baby's buttocks together for a few minutes to dissolve the glycerin. These are especially helpful to lubricate the rectum if baby has a rectal tear or bleeding . Don't use for more than a few days without your doctor's advice.

    5. Wiggle it out. As soon as you insert the glycerin suppository, wiggle it a bit, which stimulates the tense rectal muscles to relax and eases the passage of the hard stools.

    6. Insert liquid glycerin. Liquid glycerin (Babylax) may be gently inserted by dropping it into baby's rectum, which often stimulates a bowel movement.

    7. Use natural laxatives. When using a laxative, try the most natural first. Begin with diluted prune juice (with pulp), a tablespoon or two for the six- month-old and as much as eight ounces for the toddler. Try strained prunes or make a prune puree (stew your own or buy commercial), either straight or disguised (mixed with a favorite food), or spread it on a high-fiber cracker. Apricots and the four P's – prunes, pears, plums, and peaches – usually exert a laxative effect. If these seem insufficient, here are other ideas to try:

    * Psyllium husks (basically, very fine flakes of psyllium bran, available at nutrition stores) are a natural-fiber stool softener. This bland laxative is served sprinkled on cereal or combined with a fruit-and-yogurt mixture.

    Dosage of psyllium:
    Adults: Begin with one teaspoon and increase to one tablespoon once a day as needed.
    Toddlers and children: Begin with one teaspoon a day and increase to two teaspoons a day as needed.

    Be sure to take psyllium with an eight-ounce glass of water. For this concentrated fiber to work the intestines need lots of fluid; otherwise, psyllium can "gum up" in the intestines and actually increase the constipation. You can also mix psyllium powder in a smoothie. Psyllium is also available over-the-counter as Metamucil.

    8. Nonprescription laxatives, such as Malt-supex (a malt-barley extract) or Metamucil (psyllium powder), may soften your child's stools.

    * Flax oil is a favorite. A healthy alternative to mineral oil is flax oil, which not only has laxative properties, but is a valuable source of omega 3 fats as well. (Although you may hear that mineral oil is a good oil to relieve constipation, because it is a mixture of hydrocarbons dried from petroleum products, I have never been convinced of its safety. And, unlike flax oil, it certainly has no nutritional benefits.) Unlike mineral oil, which slides through the intestines, possibly taking vitamins with it, flax oil is a nutrient that facilitates absorption of the vitamins.

    Dosage of flax oil:
    Infants: one teaspoon a day
    Toddlers: two teaspoons a day
    Children and adults: one tablespoon a day

    * Flax seed meal (ground flax seeds) is an even a better laxative than flax oil since it contains fiber. They look similar to finely ground bran flakes and mix well with soupy cereal, or even better, added to a high-fiber smoothie .

    Dosage of flax seed meal:
    Toddlers: one tablespoon a day
    Older children and adults: two tablespoons a day

    * Make a smoothie. See Dr. Sears' School-Ade recipe. An easy way to get lots of fiber and laxative foods into your child is by making a stool-softening smoothie

    9. Over-the-counter suppositories. Besides glycerin suppositories, try glycerin suppositories that also include a laxative ingredient. These may be used periodically if the constipation is severe and resistant to the above simpler measures.
    10. Use an enema as a last resort. Baby Fleet may be tried if your toddler is miserably constipated and nothing else is working. It is available without prescription, and directions are on the package insert.

    In addition to the above general tips for preventing and treating constipation at all ages, try these infant-specific tips:

    * If formula-feeding, experiment with different formulas to find which one is most intestinal-friendly.
    * Feed baby smaller amounts of formula more frequently, which gives the intestines a better chance to properly digest the formula. An easier rule of thumb is to feed half as much twice as often.
    * Delay introduction of solid foods, especially more constipating ones, such as rice and bananas. Instead of rice cereal, try barley cereal. Good starter high-fiber foods for constipated infants are pureed pears and prunes.
    * Ease the passage of stools using glycerin suppositories or liquid glycerin (as described above).
    * Add one teaspoon of flax oil once a day mixed into baby cereal or baby's bottle.
    * Watch for about-to-go signs. As soon as your baby begins to grunt, grimace, look bloated, or show signs of straining, quickly insert a glycerin suppository to ease the passage.

    The Bath and Bowel Movement Technique
    Here is a Sears' family trick that helped us ease the passage of stools in several of our constipated babies. Although it's messy, it works. Immerse your baby in a warm bath so that the water is around chest-high. When your baby is relaxed in the bath, massage baby's abdomen and get ready for the mudslide.

    Before rushing to attribute your baby's constipation to the iron in the formula, you may be interested to know that controlled studies performed by the late Dr. Frank Oski, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Pediatrics at John Hopkins Medical School, showed that iron-fortified formulas do not cause constipation any more than formulas without iron.

    On the other hand, scientific research and mothers' first-hand observations sometimes clash. Even in our pediatric practice, a mother occasionally tells us she's absolutely certain that iron causes constipation. Yet, your baby does need an iron-fortified formula. Low-iron formulas simply don't provide adequate amounts of iron, resulting in anemia , between the ages of six to twelve months.

    If you're certain an iron-fortified formula contributes to constipation, use all the treatments recommended. If baby is still constipated, try using a low- iron formula for two months. Then, once your baby's intestines are more mature and his toleration increases, you can switch back to a fortified formula.

    Constipation is one of the most uncomfortable and perplexing problems in the young child. This is how the system is normally designed to work: The presence of a lot of stool in the large intestine signals an urge to defecate. The child either responds to this signal or chooses to ignore it if he is too busy playing. Unlike the urge to urinate, which a child usually cannot control for long, he can choose to ignore his signal to defecate. The longer he ignores it, the more the fluid in the retained stool is absorbed and the harder the stools become. It then hurts to go to the bathroom, causing the child to hold onto his stools even longer, and the vicious cycle begins – he holds onto his stools longer and longer and becomes more and more constipated.

    Try the following with your child:

    * Make a diagram of the large intestine, showing large "golf balls" of stools at the end of the large intestine. Show your child that voluntarily holding onto his stools makes them harder, and that is why it hurts to pass them.
    * Encourage him to have a bowel movement at set times during the day, mainly after breakfast.
    * Encourage him to respond to his urge to go promptly. Convey to him that he should "go when you have to go."

    If your child has had this problem for a long time, the intestinal muscles may be somewhat weakened and a month of stool softening may be needed to correct this problem. Try Dr. Sears' ten-step plan for treating constipation as listed above.

  16. #16
    Mejra's mommy avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Feb 2005


    Stray-cat. Ja ne poznam drugo dijete sto jede vise voca i povrca od moje Mejre...pa ipak je bila kronicno konstipirana. (sada je sve bolje i bolje).

    Jos uvijek trazi pelenu za kakati i dugo joj i ne spominjem tutu. Sama nekada nagovijesti "drugi put cu kakat u tutu, ja sam sada big girl". Mozda je to pocetak. I ne pada mi napamet joj vise nabijati tutu na nos.

  17. #17

    Datum pristupanja
    Oct 2004
    Iza kapaka


    Citiraj stray_cat prvotno napisa
    jabuke i banane zatvaraju
    To nisam znala... :/

  18. #18

    Datum pristupanja
    Dec 2006


    Citiraj Amalthea prvotno napisa
    Citiraj stray_cat prvotno napisa
    jabuke i banane zatvaraju
    To nisam znala... :/
    svježe (sirove) zatvaraju, a kuhane u kompotu otvaraju

  19. #19

    Datum pristupanja
    Mar 2005


    Citiraj stray_cat prvotno napisa
    zatvori i super tvrda stolica su vam znak da klinci kao prvo krivo jedu, nedovoljno vlaknatih tvari

    trebate paziti da djeca piju dovoljno vode, znaci ne soka, ne zaspadjenog caja nego vode. secer pojacava izlucivanje tekucine pa je to jos moguci uzrok

    jabuke i banane zatvaraju, bijeli kruh, bijela zira, ne-integralna tjestenina nisu dobri za probavu

    portalak i slicno je samo pomagac da se uljene crijeva, morate jako pripaziti na prehrani

    otvaraju jos i narandze
    moja je ovisnik o bananama i soku,ali dajem jos 100% juice navodno bez secera koji razvodnim sa obicnom vodom ili cajem stila 1/3 soka,2/3 vode
    kruh i povrce uglavnom ne voli (sto joj uspijem uvaljati u juhi mrak),
    ali zato mesni proizvodi hm...

    primjetila sam da kad popije cirka pol litre/litru mlijecnog dnevno,
    obavi to lakse,ali nije svaki dan raspolozena za jogurt i stepko

    inace se po pol sata muci na tuti...

  20. #20

    Datum pristupanja
    Dec 2006


    primjetila sam da kad popije cirka pol litre/litru mlijecnog dnevno,
    meni pedijat. rekla da ne smijem davat mlijeko jer zatvara, dok kiselo mlijeko s žgancima otvara, al moja to neće jesti. Otvara još jogurt bioaktiv...sokovi zatvaraju pogotovo slatko..

  21. #21

    Datum pristupanja
    Mar 2005


    mislila sam vise na jogurt i stepko,
    mlijeko je sva sreca smanjila...

  22. #22

    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003


    Citiraj Mejra's mommy prvotno napisa
    Stray-cat. Ja ne poznam drugo dijete sto jede vise voca i povrca od moje Mejre...pa ipak je bila kronicno konstipirana. (sada je sve bolje i bolje).

    Jos uvijek trazi pelenu za kakati i dugo joj i ne spominjem tutu. Sama nekada nagovijesti "drugi put cu kakat u tutu, ja sam sada big girl". Mozda je to pocetak. I ne pada mi napamet joj vise nabijati tutu na nos.
    pa koje ti to voce jede mala tako puno i od toga ima kronicni zatvor?

    koliko opce vode pije? kakav kruh jedete, kakvu tjesteninu i koju rizu?

  23. #23
    Mejra's mommy avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Feb 2005


    Mejra jede svo voce: jabuke, grozdje, kruske, ananas, jagode, lubenica, dinja(njen favorit, popapa manju dinju u jednom sitingu), nema ga da nevoli.

    Kuhanje jedemo svakodnevno (pileca supa, mohune njeni favoriti) tjesteninu voli, rizu slabije...

    Slatkisa u kuci nemamo (eventualno dobije lizu 2-3 mjesecno), pije vodu vecinom i pije 1/2 l mlijeka dnevno.

    Papa bijeli kruh, crni nece. Mrvica dvije it to je to.

    Sada smo rijesili zatvor. Kod nje je sve bilo u glavi. Kada je skinula pelenu nije se mogla osloboditi kakati tako je sve pocelo...

    Kuc kuc...sada jadna zna sta sve tvrdja stolicu. Kada me zamoli za lizu veli mi 'mama popicu puno vode kada pojedem lizu pa me nece boliti guza"

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