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Tema: Sadržaj masti u mlijeku kod produženog dojenja

  1. #1

    Datum pristupanja
    Feb 2004

    Početno Sadržaj masti u mlijeku kod produženog dojenja


    Fat Content of Breast Milk Increases with Time
    By Amanda Gardner
    HealthDay Reporter Tue Sep 6,11:47 PM ET
    TUESDAY, Sept. 6 (HealthDay News) -- The longer a mother breast-feeds, the higher the fat and energy content of her breast milk.
    However, experts are not sure what this finding, which appears in the September issue of Pediatrics, signifies.
    "This is the first study to analyze the fat and energy content of breast milk of mothers who breast-feed for longer than a year," said study co-author Dr. Ronit Lubetzky, who is with the department of pediatrics at Dana Children's Hospital at Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center in Israel.
    "There are more and more women who choose to breast-feed for longer time periods, and not many studies about the nutritional value of their milk during this prolonged lactation."
    "This is a nicely done study which looked at a question that really needed to be answered," added Dr. Ruth Lawrence, a professor of pediatrics at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and a member of the executive committee of the American Academy of Pediatrics' section on breast-feeding. "I think many people's general impression is if you continue to breast-feed beyond a year, probably the nutrient value drops, and this is quite different information and very important."
    No one is sure how long mothers should breast-feed, although the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that "breast-feeding continue for at least 12 months, and thereafter for as long as mutually desired."
    A reduction in cardiovascular risks in adulthood is one oft-cited benefit of this practice. Others, however, have said it might have the opposite effect.
    To determine the fat and energy content of human breast milk at longer periods, Lubetzky and colleagues sampled the breast milk of 34 mothers who had been breast-feeding for 12 to 39 months, and compared that with the milk of 27 mothers who had been breast-feeding for only two to six months.
    They found a startling difference: the fat content in the mothers who had breast-fed for longer periods of time was 17.5 percent, versus only 5 percent in the short-term group.
    The researchers said that, while it was possible that something other than duration might be affecting the findings, they still felt this was the most likely explanation for the difference.
    It's not clear what the effects of this higher energy and fat content are on a child's health.
    "We showed that the milk of mothers who breast-fed more than a year had a very high fat content," Lubetzky said. "That contradicts the claim that breast-feeding at this stage has no nutritional contribution. On the other hand, the long-term effect of such a high-fat intake has not been studied."
    "The constituents of fat and human milk are very different than what we provide in formula today. One of the most important constituents of human milk is cholesterol. Formula does not," Lawrence said. "There are many people who think that probably one of the problems with cholesterol today occurs because infants have not had any cholesterol in the first few months of life; perhaps the body doesn't learn to deal with it. There are studies that show that young adults have much lower cholesterol levels if they were breast-fed than if they were bottle-fed."
    Still, Lawrence added, this is an area that needs to be researched further.
    Lubetzky agreed. "Further studies should analyze this milk fat qualitatively, and try to sort out the influence of prolonged breast-feeding on cardiovascular issues," she said.
    Another study in the same issue of the journal found, not surprisingly, that American hospitals designated as "Baby Friendly" by the WHO and the UN Children's Fund had higher breast-feeding rates than other hospitals. These hospitals follow WHO's "Ten Steps to Successful Breast-feeding."
    At Baby Friendly institutions, the rate of women beginning breast-feeding was 83.8 percent, versus 69.5 percent nationally. The initiation rate at hospitals with a higher proportion of black patients was only 70.7 percent.
    The overall rate of women who breast-fed exclusively during their hospital stay was 78.4 percent at Baby Friendly hospitals compared with a national mean of 46.3 percent.

  2. #2
    pinocchio avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Dec 2003


    a možda ćemo mi zbog tih masnoća s topica na kojem se natječu sitnički prijeći na topic rezerviran za velike

  3. #3
    VedranaV avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003


    Meni su već pomalo smiješne te silne analize majčinog mlijeka. Ne razumijem što hoće dokazati i pokazati, a što već nije poznato, čemu to sve vodi?

  4. #4
    Osoblje foruma mamma san avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003


    Citiraj VedranaV prvotno napisa
    Meni su već pomalo smiješne te silne analize majčinog mlijeka. Ne razumijem što hoće dokazati i pokazati, a što već nije poznato, čemu to sve vodi?
    ...pa vjerovatno vodi k tome da se ipak uspije dokazati ono što su i naši pra-pra-pra davni preci znali, a to je da je majčino mlijeko (dovoljno) zdravo i za dopunu prehranu djece i starije od 1 godine, te da kravlje mlijeko nije najzdravija opcija za prehranu bebača i klinaca po uvriježenom mišljenju (na žalost) većine (najčešće) srednjovječnih žena (pa i muškaraca), najčešće u ulogama dobronamjernih baka, pedijatara, savjetnika i sl....

  5. #5
    VedranaV avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003


    Misliš da će analiziranje u beskonačnost (npr. sadržaja masti u majčinom mlijeku nakon godine dana ) pomoći da oni promijene mišljenje ako do sada nisu?

    da je meni tih novaca koji se ulupaju u takva istraživanja...

  6. #6
    VedranaV avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003


    Inače, meni je najjači intervju s Katherine Dettwyler koja kaže ovako:

    Recently, I was chatting on the phone with Dr. Walter Evans, M.D., from Dallas Presbyterian Hospital, about my research suggesting a natural age of weaning between 2.5 years and 7.0 years. He said "Don't you think it would be too daunting if we told new mothers that they had to nurse for 2.5 years, as a minimum?" I responded, "First, I'm not suggesting anyone tell mothers they have to nurse for any duration of time. I'm just suggesting doctors tell them that 2.5 years seems to be the minimum natural age of weaning/the minimum duration the child has been designed to expect. Second, if you know that a certain length of time is normal for a particular activity, then you just accept it -- it doesn't seem daunting.

  7. #7
    Osoblje foruma mamma san avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003


    Citiraj VedranaV prvotno napisa
    Misliš da će analiziranje u beskonačnost (npr. sadržaja masti u majčinom mlijeku nakon godine dana ) pomoći da oni promijene mišljenje ako do sada nisu?

    da je meni tih novaca koji se ulupaju u takva istraživanja...
    Na žalost, moram se složiti s tobom...mišljenja nekih osoba ništa neće promijeniti. Određena saznanja koja su pokupila ko zna gdje nisu podložna promijenama. Žalosno je to što osobe koje bi se morale svakodnevno obrazovati upravo na ovim područjima (npr. pedijatri) niti ne čitaju, provjeravaju, istražuju itd.... već svoju struku temelje na nakim prastarim "saznanjima"..

  8. #8
    ms. ivy avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Dec 2003


    a opet, ako se trubi i trubi o "novim istraživanjima" i "studije su pokazale", možda se ravoteža polako pomakne na stranu dojenja. ljudi vole vidjeti da su istraživanja nešto "novo" dokazala.


  9. #9

    Datum pristupanja
    Feb 2004


    Ha, možda ipak jednog dana promijene mišljenje. A dolaze i nove generacije...

  10. #10
    klia avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003


    Da nije bilo znanstvenih istrazivanja u kojima se npr. otkrila povezanost mnogih bolesti i nedojenja ili zive stanice munotijela unutar mm, danas se o dojenju sigurno ne bi pricalo ovoliko. Istrazivanja su vazna i neka ih rade jer mislim da nista sto se otkrije o majčinom mlijeku ne može biti loše i neusklađeno s prirodom ili da upucuje na stetnost dojenja.
    Ovo da je m. mlijeko masnije nakon godine - vrlo je lako moguće, ali ne zaboravimo da starija djeca imaju manje podoja dnevno nego manja, pa je mozda mast koncentriranija. S druge strane, tko kaže da je postotak masti visok kod one djece starije od jedne godine koji još uvijek puno puta doje?
    Meni jedino smeta interpretacija znanstveno dobivenih podataka koja može biti ovakva i onakva, pa, ce vam, npr. neka korporacija iznijeti svoje zn. cinjenice o nekom problemu, o kojem ce druga strana, opet znanstveno, misliti nesto totalno drukcije.

  11. #11
    Maja avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003
    iznad oblaka

    Početno Re: Sadržaj masti u mlijeku kod produženog dojenja

    Citiraj mamazika prvotno napisa
    No one is sure how long mothers should breast-feed, although the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that "breast-feeding continue for at least 12 months, and thereafter for as long as mutually desired."
    It's not clear what the effects of this higher energy and fat content are on a child's health.
    Still, Lawrence added, this is an area that needs to be researched further.
    Lubetzky agreed. "Further studies should analyze this milk fat qualitatively, and try to sort out the influence of prolonged breast-feeding on cardiovascular issues," she said.

    Meni je ovo citirano manje vise smijesno, valda sam ja skroz "zadojena", ali slazem se s vedranom, ove analize od nemila do nedraga su mi skroz smijesne.
    Hebemu, pa PRIRODA je namijenila tu mast i to mlijeko djeci dok god ga ima i dok god ga djeca zele piti. Sto tu kvragu treba dokazivati i istrazivati. Da je superiorno nad drugim mlijekima za djecu!? Opce ne kuzim koga vraga trose novce.

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