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Tema: 1/3 smrti od karcinoma povezana sa prehranom (engleski)

  1. #1

    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003

    Početno 1/3 smrti od karcinoma povezana sa prehranom (engleski)


    Combat cancer with the top cancer-fighting foods

    Friday, August 31, 2012 by: Sarka-Jonae Miller

    Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/037015_an...#ixzz25FB59dyq

    (NaturalNews) An estimated one-third of cancer deaths could be related to diet, according to the National Cancer Institute. Eating processed, sugary foods with harmful additives like chemicals or even animal products with hormones is the norm for many people in developed nations. What people eat can truly kill them. However, eating whole, organic foods gives people access to powerful cancer-fighting substances. Antioxidants are known to neutralize free radicals, which are natural substances made in the human body and found in environmental pollutants that cause cell damage. Experts are exploring the benefits of phytochemicals as well. These healthy substances are found in abundance in plant foods and spices.

    Cruciferous vegetables

    Studies on cruciferous vegetables indicate that these foods may help patients with colon or prostate cancer. Cruciferous vegetables include all vegetables in the Brassicaceae family, such as bok choy, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and similar green leafy vegetables. According to Diet.com, cruciferous vegetables may decrease risk of prostate and other cancers.

    One study found that eating a lot of cruciferous vegetables decreased the risk of colon cancer. According to Cancer.gov, women who eat five servings of cruciferous vegetables weekly may be at less risk of lung cancer.

    Red grapes

    Red grapes contain three important substances to fight cancer. Red grapes have antioxidants called bioflavonoids that help to prevent cancer. They also have a high content of resveratrol, a substance that can inhibit enzymes known to stimulate the growth of cancer cells. Grapes also have a compound called ellagic acid that can block certain enzymes that cancer cells need. By blocking these enzymes, ellagic acid may slow tumor growth.


    Ginger may kill cancer cells. Although not yet proven in human studies, ginger may cause a process called apoptosis that causes cancer cells to effectively kill themselves without causing damage to nearby healthy cells. Ginger is also linked to autophagy, which is when cancer cells are "tricked into digesting themselves," says J. Rebecca Liu of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Liu is an assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology who has been studying the effects of ginger on ovarian cancer cells.


    Kale contains phytochemicals called isothiocyanates that may inhibit tumor growth. These chemicals may also stop substances that cause cancer from getting to their targets. Kale contains nitrogen compounds called indoles that can help prevent a conversion of certain lesions into cancer cells in estrogen-sensitive tissues.


    Several types of mushrooms help to boost the immune system and may aid the body in its fight against cancer. These mushrooms include:

    • Agaricus blazei Murill
    • Coriolus versicolor
    • Maitake
    • Reishi
    • Shiitake

    Within these mushrooms are compounds called polysaccharides that assists in building immunity. Mushrooms also contain lectin, a protein that fights cancer cells and keeps them from multiplying. Mushrooms also contain beta glucan and thioproline.


    Nuts may be beneficial for cancer patients because they have antioxidants including kaempferol and quercetin. These antioxidants can suppress cancer growth. Brazil nuts in particular can help people with prostate cancer because of the high content of selenium.


    Researchers at the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research in Tokyo report that benzaldehyde, a derivative of figs, is very effective at shrinking tumors.

    Any and all of these foods can help people combat cancer either by directly interfering with cancerous cells and growth, or by strengthening the body's defenses to enable the body to fight off cancer itself. Diet modifications may not be a cancer cure, but they can assist other natural cancer treatments. Eating a variety of these foods as well as other cancer-fighting foods or supplements may also prevent cancer.



    About the author:
    Sarka-Jonae Miller is a former personal trainer and massage therapist. Get more health and wellness tips on Sarka's blog, www.naturalhealingtipsblog.com

    Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/037015_an...#ixzz25FBAe1Gs

  2. #2

    Datum pristupanja
    Sep 2012


    Gore navedene studije nazalost nista nedokazuju(prvenstveno je to radjeno u nekontroliranim uvjetima,misevi i slicno).A najveca laz u cijelog prici je ubrzanje metabolizma(tipa gore navedeno neke vrste gljiva)--to jednostavno nepostoji. Mozemo govoriti o termijskom efektu same hrane,duzine probave samih namirnica(al sveukupno gledano to nakraju dana nece napraviti ama bas nikakvu razliku)

    Sto se tice tvrdnje da je 1/3 smrtnosti od raka povezana s neuravnoteženom prehranom apsolutno se slažem. Stavila bi cak i veci postotak.

  3. #3
    mujica avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2006


    Ja bih rekao da niti 1% raka nije uzrokovan prehranom.
    A sad, što znači "povezan" ? Ako je prehrana jedan od deset rizičnih faktora za neki rak, pa je ta povezanost prehrane i raka slabija nego za nekih drugih tri ili četiri faktora, mislim da se prehrani daje prevelik značaj u doprinosu raka.
    Ne znam za niti jedan rak za koji se smatra da je prehrana najvažniji rizični faktor.

  4. #4

    Datum pristupanja
    Sep 2012


    Dobro rak je komplexan pojam(al prehrane je najcesce povezana uz nacin zivota same osobe)

    Inace rak debelog crijeva ti je direkt povezan s prehranom i unosom vlakana.

  5. #5
    mujica avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2006


    Citiraj pastela prvotno napisa Vidi poruku
    Dobro rak je komplexan pojam(al prehrane je najcesce povezana uz nacin zivota same osobe)

    Inace rak debelog crijeva ti je direkt povezan s prehranom i unosom vlakana.
    Kod raka debelog crijeva dijeta (vrsta prehrane) je samo jedan od brojnih rizičnih faktora. I to nije nedvosmisleno sigurno da je prehrana povezana.
    Bojim se da se veza prehrane i raka debelog crijeva kudikamo preuveličava.


    A diet that is high in red meats (beef, lamb, or liver) and processed meats (hot dogs and some luncheon meats) can increase colorectal cancer risk. Cooking meats at very high temperatures (frying, broiling, or grilling) creates chemicals that might increase cancer risk, but it's not clear how much this might contribute to an increase in colorectal cancer risk. Diets high in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains have been linked with a decreased risk of colorectal cancer, but fiber supplements do not seem to help. It's not clear if other dietary components (for example, certain types of fats) affect colorectal cancer risk.


    Colon cancer and rectal cancer may be associated with a diet low in fiber and high in fat and calories. Research in this area has had mixed results. Some studies have found an increased risk of colon cancer in people who eat diets high in red meat.
    A citat iz prvog posta na ovoj temi je new age sranje.
    Posljednje uređivanje od mujica : 17.09.2012. at 21:56

  6. #6
    mujica avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2006


    Isplati se pročitati ove odgovore na česta pitanja o prehrani i raku na stranici američkog instituta za rak.

  7. #7

    Datum pristupanja
    Sep 2012


    Colon cancer and rectal cancer may be associated with a diet low in fiber and high in fat and calories. Research in this area has had mixed results. Some studies have found an increased risk of colon cancer in people who eat diets high in red meat.

    upravo si potvrdila moju tvrdnju. Inace mozemo stavit 100 studija koje opovrgavaju tvoje jer su nazalost sve to ""kvazi"" istrazivanja provedena u nekontroliranim uvjetima. Problem je modernog covjeka(sto neunosi dovoljno vlakana iz prehrane). Odma mu pati probava(stolica,neredoviti odlazak na wc)

    2.Nisam spomenula da je prehrana jedini krivac(ali kod raka debelog crijeva je definitivno dominantni faktor).

  8. #8
    mujica avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2006


    OK. Vjerovat ću ti, mada ni jedna medicinska web stranica ne kaže da je prehrana dominantni riizični faktor za rak debelog crijeva.

  9. #9
    mujica avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2006


    Prema ovom izvoru, pušenje i debljina nose veći relativni rizik za kolorektalni karcinom nego prehrana mesom.

  10. #10

    Datum pristupanja
    Dec 2013


    Prije 100 godina nije bio toliko postotak tumora. Znači genetski razlozi van, ostaje okoliš odnosno dominantna je prehrana. Samo niti ne znamo kakav junk nažalost jedemo, a ugledne institucije nas o tome ne obaviještavaju kako bi trebali...

  11. #11
    isvetica avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Jul 2009
    ni tamo ni vamo


    Koliko je prije 100 godina bilo dijagnosticiranja uopće? Masovno se umiralo od gripe, tumori se nisu mogli ispoljiti jer je zivotni vijek bio kratak, a drugw bolesti česte. Moje je laicko i neinformirano mišljenje da nije problem meso, mesom se čovjek uvijek hranio, problem su hormoni kojim ga filamo. Koji putuju kroz crijeva.

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