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Tema: autizam, SONRISE vs. ABA vs. FLOORTIME

  1. #1

    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003

    Početno autizam, SONRISE vs. ABA vs. FLOORTIME



    Since 1983, the Autism Treatment Center of America™ has provided innovative training programs for parents and professionals caring for children challenged by Autism, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) and other developmental difficulties. The Son-Rise Program® teaches a specific and comprehensive system of treatment and education designed to help families and caregivers enable their children to dramatically improve in all areas of learning, development, communication and skill acquisition. It offers highly effective educational techniques, strategies and principles for designing, implementing and maintaining a stimulating, high-energy, one-on-one, home-based, child-centered program.
    What Makes The Son-Rise Program® Different?

    The Son-Rise Program® was the first to suggest that children with these diagnoses had the potential for extraordinary healing and growth.
    The Son-Rise Program® innovated an educational treatment modality which included joining children instead of going against them. The program places parents as key teachers, therapists and directors of their own programs and utilizes the home as the most nurturing environment in which to help their children. The Son-Rise Program® dared to suggest that respect and deep caring would be the most important factor impacting a child's motivation to learn, and from the beginning has made love and acceptance a meaningful part of every teaching process. Employing this attitude, we first seek to create bonding and a safe environment. We then apply sound, time-tested educational strategies pioneered by The Son-Rise Program®. These principles remain a cornerstone of our approach.
    How Do The Son-Rise Program® Principles and Techniques Benefit Children With Special Needs?

    • Joining in a child's repetitive and ritualistic behaviors supplies the key to unlocking the mystery of these behaviors and facilitates eye contact, social development and the inclusion of others in play.
    • Utilizing a child's own motivation advances learning and builds the foundation for education and skill acquisition.
    • Teaching through interactive play results in effective and meaningful socialization and communication.
    • Using energy, excitement and enthusiasm engages the child and inspires a continuous love of learning and interaction.
    • Employing a nonjudgmental and optimistic attitude maximizes the child's enjoyment, attention and desire throughout their Son-Rise Program®.
    • Placing the parent as the child's most important and lasting resource provides a consistent and compelling focus for training, education and inspiration.
    • Creating a safe, distraction-free work/play area facilitates the optimal environment for learning and growth.

  2. #2

    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003


    ABA s reklamira kao prva nenasilna metoda, objasnjenje je u tome da su sa autizmom u principu radili kao sa divljim zivotinjama i uredno su se uz sve ostalo koristili i elektroshockovi kao legalno sredstvo za disciplniranje i ucenje. po onome sto se pise po USA se i dalje koriste elektroshockovi u nekim institucijama


    Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

    Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network (ATN) now has a tool kit to help parents work with their children’s applied behavior analysts. (Learn more and download it here.) Although the tool kit was developed with children and teens in mind, it also contains helpful information for those wanting to better understand and support ABA therapy for an adult with autism.

    Behavior analysis is a scientifically validated approach to understanding behavior and how it is affected by the environment. In this context, “behavior" refers to actions and skills. "Environment" includes any influence – physical or social – that might change or be changed by one's behavior.
    On a practical level, the principles and methods of behavior analysis have helped many different kinds of learners acquire many different skills – from healthier lifestyles to the mastery of a new language. Since the 1960s, therapists have been applying behavior analysis to help children with autism and related developmental disorders.
    What is Applied Behavior Analysis?

    Behavior analysis focuses on the principles that explain how learning takes place. Positive reinforcement is one such principle. When a behavior is followed by some sort of reward, the behavior is more likely to be repeated. Through decades of research, the field of behavior analysis has developed many techniques for increasing useful behaviors and reducing those that may cause harm or interfere with learning.
    Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is the use of these techniques and principles to bring about meaningful and positive change in behavior.
    As mentioned, behavior analysts began working with young children with autism and related disorders in the 1960s. Early techniques often involved adults directing most of the instruction. Some allowed the child to take the lead. Since that time, a wide variety of ABA techniques have been developed for building useful skills in learners with autism – from toddlers through adulthood.
    These techniques can be used in structured situations such as a classroom lesson as well as in "everyday" situations such as family dinnertime or the neighborhood playground. Some ABA therapy sessions involve one-on-one interaction between the behavior analyst and the participant. Group instruction can likewise prove useful.

    How Does ABA Benefit Those with Autism?

    Today, ABA is widely recognized as a safe and effective treatment for autism. It has been endorsed by a number of state and federal agencies, including the U.S. Surgeon General and the New York State Department of Health. Over the last decade, the nation has seen a particularly dramatic increase in the use of ABA to help persons with autism live happy and productive lives. In particular, ABA principles and techniques can foster basic skills such as looking, listening and imitating, as well as complex skills such as reading, conversing and understanding another person’s perspective.
    More information about behavior analysis and ABA is available at the websites of the Association of Professional Behavior Analysts, the Association for Behavior Analysis International and the Behavior Analyst Certification Board.

  3. #3

    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2009


    Hajdemo prvo razjasniti što su ove metode i za što se koriste. ABA je metoda koja stavlja naglasak na usvajanje kognitivnih, komunikacijskih vještina i vještina svakodnevnog života, dok je krajnji cilj Floortime metode razvijanje emocionalnih i socijalnih odnosa. Prednost ABE u odnosu na Floortime metodu je to što je objektivna metoda, možemo mjeriti napredak djeteta i prikladnija je za usvajanje akademskih vještina i osamostaljenje djeteta (kasnije odrasle osobe) s autizmom. Prednost Floortime metode je ta što se lakše ostvaruje kontakt s djetetom, više pozornosti posvećuje biološkim teškoćama koje ometaju dijete u svakodnevnom funkcioniranju i razvija kod djeteta emocionalnu komponentu. Obje metode se mogu kombinirati i nadopunjavati. Dakle, ako dijete ide na ABA terapiju, to nije razlog da ne ide i na Floortime terapiju. Bilo koja od ovih metoda nije uvijek primjenjiva za svako dijete. Postoje djeca koja unatoč naporima nikada neće usvojiti određene akademske vještine, postići samostalnost ili razviti emocionalne odnose.
    Nije mi jasan smisao ove teme, jer svaka od ovih metoda je dobra na svoj način, jedna metoda ne umanjuje vrijednost druge. Jedna metoda će više odgovarati jednom djetetu, a druga drugome djetetu. Sonrise ne komentiram, jer se nisam susretala u praksi s tom metodom. Korištenje elektrošokova ne umanjuje vrijednost ABA metode, nego ukazuje na glupost pojedinaca koji je provode. Zlostavljanje nije dozvoljeno ni u jednom segmentu rada s autistima.

  4. #4
    MBee avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Dec 2005


    rehab,kao majka autistične djevojčice potpisujem od A do Ž!

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