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Tema: motilium (domperidone)

  1. #1

    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003

    Početno motilium (domperidone)

    otvorila sam poseban topic da malo objasnim o cemu je rijec

    dakle, to je prilicno agresivna metoda za podizanje nivoa mlijeka, meni se zbog mastitisa i loseg postupka sa dojenjem nakon mastitisa proizvodnja uopce nije uhodala. kako sam ja sebi u glavu bila zabila da cu dojiti isla sam probati sve moguce samo ad povecam kolicinu mlijeka

    ljecenje (tj povecavanje kolicine) je pocelo kad je mali imao 2 ili 3 tjedna (vise se ne sjecam)

    prva 4 tjedna pila sam motilium, prvi tjedan 4 dnevno, drugi tjedan 3 dnevno, treci 2 tablete na dan i cetvrti tjedan jednu tableticu na dan

    citav je tretman bio pod nadzorom sluzbe za laktaciju, nisam kopala sama po netu pa improvizirala

    motilium je lijek za probavu koj kao popratnu posljedicu ima podizanje nivoa prolaktina

    dakle, prvo bi malom dala sisati, kad sam bila prazna isla je bocica sa formulom (to je davao tata) a ja sam izdajala. kad sam bila solo sa malim najcesce nisam stigla izdajati

    i sisanje i formula davani su na zahtjev, koliko god je htio jer je mali bio pregladnio i konzultantica je tvrdila da ce mali jace sisati kad je sit jer ima vise energije

    prvih tjedana dana tijekom citavog dana izdajanja ja sam uspjela izdojiti (tj. nakapati) sve skupa oko 30 ml

    poslje je kolicina mojeg izdojenog mlijela rasla pa smo slavili kad sam uspjela nacijediti u bocicu tijekom citavog dana za jedan obrok

    izdajala sam se velikom bolnickom izdajalicom sa kojom se istovremeno izdaja sa obje strane. kod nas se to moze iznajmiti ili od laktacije u bolnici ili pri dopunskom zdravstvenom (ne znam bolje usporediti hr i nl situaciju)

    nakon 6 tjedana dosla sam otprilike do faze da dodajemo samo bocicu formule na dan, isla je bocica mojeg mlijeka a ostalo je bilo dojenje

    i nakon 8 tjedana sam ubacila oxytocine sprej, strca se u nos pa se to snifa i nakon 2 dana dosli smo samo na dojenje

    meni je inace mali skoro citav dan u slingu, tako da mi je konstantno na prsima (viditi baby book od searsa). to mi je i erica (konzultantica s laktacije) preporucala

    mali spava sa nama u krevetu, tako da mi je i po noci stalno pri ruci i jako cesto provede noc prikopcan na mene

    ovo sto je beba stalno uz mene takodjer podize prolaktin

  2. #2

    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003



    By: Dr. Jack Newman, MD, FRCPC


    Domperidone (Motilium™) is a drug that has, as a side effect, stimulating or increasing milk production, probably by increasing prolactin production by the pituitary gland. Prolactin is the hormone that stimulates the cells in the mother's breast to produce milk. Domperidone increases prolactin secretion indirectly, by interfering with the action of dopamine whose action is to decrease the secretion of prolactin by the pituitary gland. Domperidone is generally used for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (gut) and has not been released in Canada for use as a stimulant for milk production. This does not mean that it cannot be prescribed for this reason, but rather that the manufacturer does not back its use for increasing milk production. However, there are several studies that show that it works to increase milk production and that it is safe. It has been used, for several years, in small infants who spit up and lose weight, but was replaced until a few years ago by cisapride (Prepulsid™) (cisapride has since been taken off the market because it can cause serious cardiac problems). Domperidone is not in the same family of medication as cisapride and has never had the cardiac side effects that cisapride does. Another, related, but older medication, metoclopramide (Maxeran™), is also known to increase milk production, but it has frequent side effects which have made its use for many nursing mothers unacceptable (fatigue, irritability, depression). Domperidone has many fewer side effects because it does not enter the brain tissue in significant amounts (does not pass the blood-brain barrier).

    When is it appropriate to use domperidone?

    Domperidone must never be used as the first approach to correcting breastfeeding difficulties. Domperidone is not a cure for all things. It must not be used unless all other factors which may result in insufficient milk supply have been dealt with first. These include:

    1. Correcting the baby's latch so that the baby can obtain as efficiently as possible the milk which the mother has available. Correcting the latch may be all that is necessary to change a situation of "not enough milk" to one of "plenty of milk".

    2. Using breast compression to increase the intake of milk (Breast Compression).

    3. Using milk expression after feedings to increase the supply.

    4. Correcting sucking problems, stopping the use of artificial nipples (Using a Lactation Aid and Finger Feeding) and other stratagems.

    Using domperidone for increasing milk production:

    Domperidone works particularly well to increase milk production under the following circumstances:

    It has frequently been noted that a mother who is pumping milk for a sick or premature baby in hospital has a decrease in the amount she pumps around 4 or 5 weeks after the baby is born. The reasons for this decrease are likely many, but domperidone generally brings the amount of milk pumped back to where it was or even to higher levels

    When a mother has a decrease in milk supply, often associated with the use of birth control pills (avoid estrogen containing birth control pills while breastfeeding), or on occasion, for no obvious reason when the baby is 3 or 4 months old, domperidone will often bring the supply back to normal

    Domperidone still works, but often less dramatically when:

    The mother is pumping for a sick or premature baby but has not managed to develop a full milk supply

    The mother is trying to develop a full milk supply while nursing an adopted baby

    The mother is trying to wean the baby from supplements

    Side effects of domperidone:

    As with all medications, side effects are possible, and many have been reported with domperidone (textbooks often list any side effect ever reported, but symptoms reported are not necessarily due to the drug a person is taking). There is no such thing as a 100% safe drug. However, our clinical experience has been that side effects in the mother are extremely uncommon, except for increasing milk supply. Some side effects which mothers we have treated have reported (very uncommonly, incidentally):

    Headache which disappeared when the dose was reduced (probably the most common side effect)

    Abdominal cramps

    Dry mouth

    The amount that gets into the milk is so tiny that side effects in the baby should not be expected. Mothers have not reported any to us, in many years of use. Certainly the amount the baby gets through the milk is a tiny percentage of what babies would get if being treated for spitting up.

    Are there long term concerns about the use of domperidone?

    The manufacturer states in its literature that chronic treatment with domperidone in rodents has resulted in increased numbers of breast tumours in the rodents. The literature goes on to state that this has never been documented in humans. Note that toxicity studies of medication usually require treatment with huge doses over periods of time involving most or all of the animal's lifetime. Note also that not breastfeeding increases the risk of breast cancer, and breast cancer risk decreases the longer you breastfeed.

    Using Domperidone:

    Generally, we start domperidone at 20 milligram's (two 10 mg tablets) four times a day. If taking domperidone 4 times a day is inconvenient, 30 milligram's (three 10 mg tablets) three times a day is fine. Printouts from the pharmacy often suggest taking domperidone 30 minutes before eating, but that is because of its use for digestive intolerance. You can take the domperidone about every 6 hours, when it is convenient (there is no need to wake up to keep to a 6 hour schedule—it does not make any difference). Most mothers take the domperidone for 3 to 8 weeks. Mothers who are nursing adopted babies may have to take the drug much longer.

    After starting domperidone, it may take three or four days before you notice any effect, though sometimes mothers notice an effect within 24 hours. It appears to take two to three weeks to get a maximum effect, but some mothers have noted effects only after 4 or more weeks. It is reasonable to give domperidone a trial of at least 4 weeks before saying it doesn’t work.

    Here is more information on how to wean off the domperidone.

    About The Author: Dr. Jack Newman is a Toronto pediatrician who has practiced medicine since 1970. In 1984 he established the first hospital based breastfeeding clinic in Canada, at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. He now holds breastfeeding clinics in several Toronto area hospitals. Jack has been a consultant with UNICEF's Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative and has spoken at conferences around the world. He is the father of three children, all breastfed. Dr. Newman is the author of "The Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers"

    NOTE: The article above titled "Domperidone" was written by Dr. Jack Newman and is the opinion of its author. "The New Parents Guide" does not guarantee the information to be factual. Always use the guidance of your personal doctor or your child's doctor over information you read on this site or elsewhere; your doctors know what is best for you and your baby.

  3. #3

    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003



    Motilium suppositories

    Main Use Active Ingredient Manufacturer
    Nausea and vomiting
    Domperidone Sanofi-Synthelabo

    How does it work?

    This medicine contains the active ingredient domperidone, which is a type of medicine called a dopamine antagonist. It is an anti-emetic medicine, meaning it is used to treat nausea and vomiting. It can also be used to treat abdominal bloating, fullness and discomfort in adults.

    Domperidone works primarily by blocking dopamine receptors found in an area of the brain known as the chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ). The CTZ is activated by nerve messages from the stomach when an irritant is present. It is also activated directly by agents circulating in the blood, for example anti-cancer medicines. Once activated, it sends messages to another area of the brain, the vomiting centre, which in turn sends messages to the gut, causing the vomiting reflex.

    Blocking the dopamine receptors in the CTZ prevents nausea messages from being sent to the vomiting centre. This reduces the sensation of nausea and prevents vomiting.

    Domperidone also blocks dopamine receptors found in the upper end of the digestive system. This results in tightening of the muscles at the entry to the stomach, relaxation of the muscles at the exit of the stomach and increased contraction of the muscles in the stomach itself. These actions speed the passage of food through the stomach into the intestine, which physically helps to prevent vomiting.

    Both actions make domperidone useful in treating nausea and vomiting due to many causes, including anti-cancer chemotherapy, emergency hormonal contraception and in migraine. Domperidone is also used to prevent nausea and vomiting that can be caused by medicines for Parkinson's disease, such as levodopa, bromocriptine and apomorphine.

    Due to its stimulating action on the gut, which speeds up stomach emptying into the intestine, domperidone can also be used to relieve upper abdominal discomfort, a sense of fullness or bloating, and regurgitation of the stomach contents that some people experience following meals.

    (Domperidone can be bought over-the-counter from pharmacies for the relief of after meal symptoms, as the branded product Motilium 10. For more information ask your pharmacist. The non-prescription Motilium 10 product is not suitable for use by children under 16 years of age.)

    What is it used for?

    Nausea and vomiting in adults and children
    Relief of upper abdominal discomfort, sense of fullness and regurgitation of stomach contents in adults


    This medicine is not recommended for long term use.
    Motilium tablets contain lactose and may be unsuitable for people with lactose intolerance, glucose/galactose malabsorption or a genetic disorder leading to accumulation of galactose in the blood (galactosaemia). Motilium suspension contains sorbitol and may be unsuitable for people with sorbitol intolerance.

    Use with caution in

    Decreased liver function
    Infants and young children
    Prolonged repeated use in severely decreased kidney function

    Not to be used in

    Abnormal hole in the stomach or intestines (gastrointestinal perforation)
    Bleeding from the gut (gastrointestinal haemorrhage)
    Cancer of the pituitary gland resulting in over-production of the hormone prolactin (prolactinoma)
    Conditions in which stimulating movement through the stomach could be harmful (your doctor will know)
    Obstruction of the stomach or intestines
    This medicine should not be used if you are allergic to one or any of its ingredients. Please inform your doctor or pharmacist if you have previously experienced such an allergy.

    If you feel you have experienced an allergic reaction, stop using this medicine and inform your doctor or pharmacist immediately.

    Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

    Certain medicines should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding. However, other medicines may be safely used in pregnancy or breastfeeding providing the benefits to the mother outweigh the risks to the unborn baby.Always inform your doctor if you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy, before using any medicine.

    The safety of this medicine for use during pregnancy has not been established. It is not recommended for use in pregnancy unless considered essential by your doctor. Seek medical advice from your doctor.
    This medicine passes into breast milk in small amounts. Seek medical advice from your doctor before breastfeeding.

    Side effects

    Medicines and their possible side effects can affect individual people in different ways. The following are some of the side effects that are known to be associated with this medicine. Because a side effect is stated here, it does not mean that all people using this medicine will experience that or any side effect.

    Abnormal enlargement of breasts in men (gynaecomastia)
    Abnormal movements of the hands, legs, face, neck and tongue, eg tremor, twitching, rigidity (extrapyramidal effects)
    Breast pain
    High blood prolactin (milk producing hormone) level (hyperprolactinaemia). Sometimes this can lead to symptoms such as breast enlargement, production of milk and stopping of menstrual periods.
    Stomach cramps
    Decreased sex drive
    Itchy rash (urticaria)

    The side effects listed above may not include all of the side effects reported by the drug's manufacturer.

    For more information about any other possible risks associated with this medicine, please read the information provided with the medicine or consult your doctor or pharmacist.

    How can this medicine affect other medicines?

    Domperidone may increase the speed of absorption of certain medicines from the gut, for example paracetamol.

    Other medicines containing the same active ingredients

  4. #4

    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003


    Ja sam isto citala o lijeku koji se zove Reglan a inace oba lijeka se daju djeci koja pate od gastroezofagelnog refluksa. Annabel je pila motilium i imala takvu groznu alergijsku reakciju na njega da je to uzas.

    Citala sam da ovaj reglan daju cak i mama koje su posvojile djecu a zeljele bi iskusiti dojenje i da moze proizvesti mlijeko kod mame koja nije niti rodila.

  5. #5

    Datum pristupanja
    Feb 2004


    Reglan je druga supstanca, metoklopramid.
    Meni su u Petrovoj poslije prvog poroda kad su vidjeli da sam zapela ko sivonja za dojenje dali Sulpirid (antipsihotik ). Ne znam koliko je djelovalo, uzimala sam ga par dana onda se više nisam usudila jer se izlučuje u mlijeko a dijete je spavalo po 6 sati u komadu.
    Baš mi je žao da nisam znala za Reglan, to je puno bezazlenija stvar. A ovi u bolnici su valjda mislili da me uhvatila posljeporođajna depresija zato što sam plakala zbog premalo mlijeka pa su me odlučili "srediti" kemijom.

  6. #6
    Fidji avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003


    Stray, napiši nam kako si podnosila taj lijek, tj. da li iskusila neke nuspojave.

  7. #7
    Mukica avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003


    Ja se u dojenje nis ne kuzim, ali me zanima zakaj nis odma tj. prvo koristila oxytocine sprej???

  8. #8
    renata avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003
    zagreb, dubrava


    e, sad, polako...

    ja bih prvo jako naglasila ovu recenicu:
    Domperidone must never be used as the first approach to correcting breastfeeding difficulties
    znaci, da stray nije radila sve ono drugo sto je radila - jako cesto dojenje, uporno izdajanje (super su te bolnicke elektricne izdajalice za obje dojke istovremeno), non-stop prebivanje s bebom i dojenje kad god beba hoce...
    onda motilium (domipedrone) ne bi napravio NISTA.

    zato mi u edukaciji izbjegavamo preporucivanje bilo kakvih lijekova (ne znam jel se ovaj moze kod nas uopce nabaviti), da zene ne bi shvatile da je to lijek na kojeg se mogu osloniti. jer ne mogu. jer je daleko vaznije sve ovo drugo sto je stray radila i upornost i predanost, a motilium je samo jedno malecko pomagalo. ja vjerujem da bi i bez njega stray uspjela vratiti dojenje. kao sto bi se mogla izdajati i rucno, masaze su isto poticajne, pogotovo kontakt koze ruku s dojkom. isto tako je oksitocin sprej jedno malecko pomagalo koje potice let-down, a moze se zamijeniti opustanjem na razne nacine - zajednickim kupkama s bebom, kontakt koza-koza, vizualizacija otpustanja mlijeka ili bilo koja druga tehnika opustanja.

    znaci, motilium moze biti ok i moze pomoci, ali mi nikako ne bismo krenuli s njegovim preporucivanjem, bas zato sto nemamo sluzbu laktacije kojom bismo u nekoliko navrata preporucivali zenama sve ono sto je stray radila uz uzimanje lijekova a bilo je presudno kod relaktacije. imamo priliku jednom na telefonu naglasiti ono bitno, ili evenualno na forumu u par recenica.
    namjerno naglasavamo tehnike umjesto lijekova, pogotovo zato sto su zene vise sklone vjerovati carobnim lijekovima i napitcima, a ne tehnikama. a tehnike JESU ono presudno u relaktaciji. pereci NE poticu proizvodnju mlijeka. kontakt koza-koza potice. a koliko je zena sklonije povjerovati perecima, a cuditi se i izbjegavati kontakt koza-koza?

  9. #9
    Maja avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003
    iznad oblaka


    apsolutno se slazem, renata, nikako ne mozemo preporuciti nikakav lijek.
    isto smatram da bi stray uspjela i bez lijeka, radila je sve "po knjizi" za relaktaciju. a velika je razlika kada imas lacation consultanta kojemu je i posao eventualno dati neki lijek a onda to i pratiti.
    stoga na sve ovo treba gledati cisto informativno.

  10. #10

    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003


    Taj lijek se uopce ne daje tako olako i daje se samo mama koje bas nikako ne mogu uspostaviti neku ravnotezu mlijeka ali poslije shih isprobanih ostalih alternativa.

    Evo ovo je jedna lijepa prica o tome kako je taj lijek pomogao.

    Before Josh was born, I could have taken or left breastfeeding. I knew it was the best thing for my baby, but I didn't really like the idea of being the only one who could feed him. I also didn't imagine the physical sensation to be anything I'd want any part of.

    Then came Joshua Rush. After a long, extremely empowering, natural labor, I cradled his tiny, wet, warm little body in my arms and my doula helped put him to my breast. Everything changed while watching him nurse. I was hooked.

    The first week was a total blur. Josh seemed to have enough dirty diapers and his color was normal. At home, he seemed to be breastfeeding all the time, but I knew that this was normal. I never actually felt my milk come in or any kind of engorgement, but my doula said that this was okay. Josh was happy and so was I.

    In the second week, Josh became more demanding. He nursed sometimes for 45 minutes on each side, and would fall asleep at the breast. When I'd take him off the breast, he would cry hysterically. He never seemed satisfied after nursing. Since I couldn't nurse all the time because I needed to sleep and eat myself, my husband, mother, or stepfather would carry him around in the sling as he cried, until he finally fell asleep.

    After three or four days of constant crying, my mother, a registered nurse, told me that she was afraid he wasn't getting enough milk. She convinced me to call the pediatrician, whose nurse promptly told me that he had gas and was using me as a pacifier. I was to limit his nursing to 20 minutes on each side and give Mylicon in between. I was exhausted, so that sounded like a fantastic solution. Within a few hours on that schedule, he slept more and cried less. Eureka! That was the answer! I could have kissed that nurse.

    But after about 24 hours, Josh was lethargic. He was sleeping almost all the time, and stopped crying at diaper changes. He was even quiet while we bathed him. Something was wrong. The next day we took him in to the pediatrician's office. He was 13 days old and weighed eight ounces less than his birth weight. The doctor asked me to breastfeed him for 10 minutes on each side, and we weighed him afterwards to see how much milk he had gotten. He had not gained even an ounce.

    I could see the concern in the pediatrician's eyes as he gave my husband a bottle of formula. I cried as I watched Josh struggle with the artificial nipple, and finally begin to drink the formula. He guzzled the contents in minutes. He was so very hungry. I felt confused, discouraged, and defeated, yet somehow determined. Over the next two weeks, I met with a La Leche League Leader and the hospital's lactation consultant, talked to friends, and read as much as I could get my hands on. Most advised me to just nurse as often as possible, and said that the increased demand would bring up my supply. This didn't work.

    I tried a different strategy every few days, pumping every couple of hours, herbal supplements, or staying in bed all day nursing. Nothing seemed to help. Even my mother, (who had breastfed me) and my husband were suggesting that Josh was doing fine and gaining weight on the formula supplements, so maybe I should just give it up.

    At four weeks postpartum, I was about to give up hope. As a last resort, I called a lactation consultant who had been too busy to meet with me when I had called two weeks earlier. We met, and after a thorough consultation, she asked me to commit to following her advice for 12 days. If it didn't work, then I would know for sure that I couldn't breastfeed exclusively. I agreed.

    I carefully followed her plan. First, she adjusted my latch-on technique ever so slightly. She advised me at each feeding to nurse Josh, then pump for 15 minutes to thoroughly drain my breasts, and feed him the pumped milk or a formula supplement. I also began taking Domperidone, a drug that is not marketed in the United States, so I had to purchase it at a special compounding pharmacy. It's an acid reflux medicine with the fortunate side effect of increasing serum prolactin, which can help with milk supply. I was, of course, very nervous about taking any kind of drug while breastfeeding, but I read everything I could and made a decision to try it.

    To make matters worse, Josh and I both had thrush, so nursing and pumping were both very painful. At times, it was all I could do to pump and feed the milk back to him in a bottle. Eventually, with a regimen that included antifungals, washing bras in hot water, and boiling bottle nipples, we were both cured and he was breastfeeding again.

    My days were filled with breastfeeding, pumping, bottle-feeding, and sterilizing pump pieces and bottles. Talking on the phone every few days to a new person who had succeeded at the same challenge was essential to keep me going. I was pumping at least eight times a day on top of everything else that needs to be done with a new baby. It had become incredibly important to me. The pumping just became part of my daily routine, somehow manageable.

    By feeding back all of the milk I pumped, I was able to tell that I was eight to 10 ounces short of meeting Josh's nutritional needs, a little under half of his daily requirement at that time. But I saw improvement within one week, and each day I was feeding him more and more human milk. In three weeks I was feeding him all of my milk! What a day that was, when I looked at my logs and saw that all of his nutrition was coming from me!

    The next task was to get Josh to take all of the milk on his own, which was easier said than done because he was used to being fed a bottle after breastfeeding. While I continued the frequent pumping, we spent the next three weeks giving him less and less in his supplement bottles. The consultant called it "giving the responsibility back to the baby." Though this was a scary process, I eventually began to see that when I gave him a smaller bottle after nursing, he would come back to the breast sooner. Eventually, I was nursing more and bottle-feeding and pumping less. By the time Josh was two months old, we were exclusively breastfeeding.

    For a while, I still pumped after one or two feedings a day. But without the "luggage" of bottles every time we went out and without pumping after every feeding, I was finally able to understand why everyone said breastfeeding was so much easier! I could relax and just nurse my baby. And when I took him to his four-month checkup and he had jumped from the 15th to the 30th weight percentile, I felt so incredibly proud that the increase was all from my milk! He was thriving.

    I began to wean myself slowly from the Domperidone and was off it about two months later. To my surprise, there was never a decrease in my supply. My body had learned how to produce the right amount of milk on its own.

    Now, Josh is an active, curious, happily nursing 15-month-old. And I am a champion of breastfeeding, often found recounting my story to pregnant friends so that they'll do whatever it takes to establish their milk supply from the beginning. I'm also a strong proponent of La Leche League since I received such incredible support and information from my local Leader and the many friends I've made at LLL Group meetings.

    If there's one thing I've learned about my personality, it's that I appreciate things more when I have to work for them. I sometimes curse myself for that trait, but other times I look back at my experience and wonder, would I have chosen extended breastfeeding? Would I appreciate nursing as much as I do now had I not faced such challenges? I cherish every nursing moment, knowing that had I not worked so hard, we would not share such an incredibly special connection.

  11. #11

    Datum pristupanja
    Feb 2004


    Evo obećajem da više neću reklamirati perece :wink:
    Bilo je tu i drugih egzotika - mochi (kolačići od riže) a i ne znam više što nisam isprobavala.

    pereci NE poticu proizvodnju mlijeka. kontakt koza-koza potice. a koliko je zena sklonije povjerovati perecima, a cuditi se i izbjegavati kontakt koza-koza?
    Nisam za to znala u to doba, intuitivno mi je kontakt koža-koža djelovao kao dobro rješenje za bebe koje imaju problem s refleksom sisanja (nedonoščad i sl.) što kod mene nije bio slučaj, ali ne bi mi palo na pamet da mogu tako povećati proizvodnju mlijeka.
    A dobro je znati za ove lijekove (ovi prvenstveno probavni s nuspojavom produkcije mlijeka) jer je onaj Sulpirid stvarno - :shock: :?

  12. #12

    Datum pristupanja
    Feb 2004


    Priča je krasna, hvala Nataša30!
    Posebno je točan i kod nas aktualan onaj dio o potpori majki koje su uspjele u (re)laktaciji, jer je ovdje još uvjek puno češći slučaj da okolina potakne prestanak dojenja.

  13. #13

    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003


    ma kod mene je islo tako sporo i tesko zato jer u principu kad se dojke trebaju uigrat sa proizvodnjom mene je samljeo mastitis i losa terapija (stavljala sam hladne obloge, mislim..........)

    ja osobno nisam imala nikakve popratne pojave sa motiliumom, ni beba, ali se motilium smije koristiti 4 tjedna i nakon toga je pauza

    najsmjesnije je to sto te nigdje nikakav tecaj ni knjige ne upozore na moguec probleme kod dojenja, svi se drze idilicne situacije pa kad te prasnu problemi ne znas ih prepoznati i sto duze odgadjas odlazak kod strucne osobe to ti je manja sansa da ces se vratiti na dojenje

    ja sam doma imala punu podrsku, mats je preuzeo na sebe kuhanje, speceraj, setanje pesa (ja sam setala samo dok on radi), on je zbavljao ves a ja sam imala samo dojenje. koliko mi je rekla erica (teta s laktacije) vecinu zena okolina sredi time sto im kao u najboljoj namjeri savjetuje da se ne muce toliko, da nema nista lose u bocici.

    nemam ja nista protiv bocice i formule, ja sam sebi bila stavila dead line kad mali bude imao 3 mjeseca da je to tren kad izbacujem izdajanje jer je i neugodno i bolno i naporno. zapravo, lazem, to sm rekla na glas a u sebi sam imala dead line kad mali napuni 6 mjeseci....

    ja sam bila prezadovoljna vec u trenu kad sam imala 30% moje mlijeko a ostalo formula i pokusavala sam to odrzati, nisam se nadala da cu dogurati do samo dojenja. a stvarno sam pokusavala sve moguce (ja se inace i tusiram i kupam sa malim, znamo imati dojenje u kadi, ili se prikopca pod tusem)

    sve u svemu, ja sam prvi slucaj i na nasoj laktaciji i u svojoj sluzbi za konzultaciju da se neko vratio na dojenje

    oxytocin sam koristila tek u trenu kad sam imala mlijeka pa je to pomoglo da se lakse otpusti mlijeko, to je bilo 8. tjedan

  14. #14

    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003


    Stray najvaznije je da si uspjela i stvarno ti cestitam na upornosti Ocigledno si imala jaku zelju i volju da dojis jer ako nemas to ne moze nikakav lijek pomoci

  15. #15
    renata avatar
    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003
    zagreb, dubrava


    dakle, najbolji lijek za relaktaciju: tvrdoglavost :D

    (i druge mame su pile motilium, ali nisu bile uporne sa svime kao stray)

  16. #16

    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003


    Stray je prva osoba za koju ja cujem da su joj dali tako nesto jer ja sam citala o tome ali nikad nikog nisam znala da je to stvarno i probao. Ali vjeruje da je Renata upravu jer je Stray bila i na druge nacine jako uporna i sve se to doprinjelo uspjehu

  17. #17

    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003


    veliko finale

    ja sutra pocinjem raditi (radim part time, po 3 i pol sata, samo 2 dana u tjednu i sebastiana ce cuvati tata)

    i isla sam se nocas izdajati da napokon poradim na sakupljanju smrznutog mlijeka i nakon citavog dana i zadenjg obroka pred spavanje izdojila sam 110 ml

    a kad sam krenula u citavu pricu trebao mi je citav dan da nakapam 30 ml

    sad odmah idem odvesti sebastiana u ducan s igrackama da ga pocastim da proslavimo

  18. #18

    Datum pristupanja
    Feb 2004


    Našla sam danas jedan novi link
    Možda ipak nije baš najbolji izbor? :?

  19. #19

    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003


    ja sam pila prvih tjedan dana kad je bila udarna doza pola od dnevne dozvoljene kolicine i svaki tjedan sve manje

    ja sam jedno 10 dana prije nego sto sam dosla na laktaciju pokusavala povratiti mlijeko izdajanjem i drzanjem bebe na prsima i nije upalilo, sto vise odgadjanjem sam si postupak vracanja mlijeka produzila

    dojenje ili ne? pa meni je izbor bio dojenje a motilium sredstvo za postizanje cilja

  20. #20

    Datum pristupanja
    Dec 2003


    Stray, kako izgleda taj lijek.... je su li to one sicusne kuglice (meni lici na stiropol) sto se sisu svaka tri cetiri sata po pet komada? i meni su davali tovar nekakvih lijekova, te na recept izdajalicu.
    Vjerovali ili ne od nje sam imala redovne postporodjajne kontrakcije. :shock:

    18.3.2004-Edita :D

  21. #21

    Datum pristupanja
    Dec 2003


    Jos me nesto interesuje.
    Meni su na laktaciji rekli da zene sa izrazito velikim grudima najcesce imaju problema sa nedostatkom mlijeka.
    Da li je to "suplja prica", ili je zaista tako?

    18.3.2004-edita :D

  22. #22

    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003


    Ja mislim da to nije istina o zenama sa velikim grudima. Mislim da je tu problem sto je malo teze namjestiti bebicu na velike grudi ustvari meni je to bio problem a da bi bilo mlijeka beba mora sisati pa ako ne znas namjestiti bebu pa ona ne sisa oni krenu mislit nema mlijeka

    Sta uopce smatraju velikim grudima?

  23. #23

    Datum pristupanja
    Dec 2003


    Recimo, nosac sifona(grudnjak) 95C :D -koji mi je mali.
    Meni obicno iz Amerike donose grudnjake, jer je ovdje tesko naci za mene broj. :D
    Meni je bio strasan problem u bolnici dok sam izdajala mlijekom onom duplom izdajalicom koju Stray spominje. Nema sanse da kroz rastvor spavacice izbacis obadvije dojke. I onda povrh svega ispumpam 10 ili 20 ml. Edita je tada pila oko 70 ml po obroku.

    18.3.2004-Edita :D

  24. #24

    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003


    95D :D :D :D :D

    Jedno 10 dana do dva tjedna od poroda mogla sam izdojiti 230 ml u 15 min :D

  25. #25

    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003


    pa skini spavacicu, raskomoti se. ja se skidam i za dojenje (nemam velike sise) jer mi ide na zivce da me nesto stiska. za izdajanje sam se takodjer skidala ili sam koristila spavacice koje se skroz daju raskopcati

    ja isto mislim da velicina sisa nema veze sa kolicinom mlijeka

    motilium su najobicnije tablete, pijes ih se uz casu vode

  26. #26

    Datum pristupanja
    Nov 2003


    dizem ovo jer mi se ne da kljucato okolo sa copy paste

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