Nista mi nije bolje ni kad googlam, dapace...

"Exposure via Breast Milk. Infants can also be exposed to maternal medications via breast milk, but the amount of exposure is substantially less than in utero exposure. Some medications are better than others in terms of amount of exposure the infant receives. A recent meta-analysis of 67 studies of antidepressant levels in breastfeeding infants pooled data from 337 research cases, including 238 infants.4 The researchers had access to data on 15 different antidepressants and their major metabolites. They found that antidepressants were detectable in the breast milk for all the antidepressants they studied. Fluoxetine produced the highest proportion of elevated infant levels and the highest mean infant level."

Na generickom fluoxetinu sam i ja, vec dulje vrijeme - 7 godina, a sad se jos i preplasenije osjecam kad procitam onako nesto sto stoji na pocetku c/p texta.
A ni samo mijenjanje antidepresiva nije jednostavno kao recimo antibiotika, odnosno, oni se postepeno ukidaju i uvode, a to potraje. Riskirati u osjetljivom razdoblju trudnoce i vremenu tik nakon poroda nikako ne zvuci mudro, jer je to attack na psihicku stabilnost organizma. A zadnje sto djetetu treba je rastrojena majka.

Uglavnom, sto vise doznajem to mi je samo veca mucnina od svega...